An Ode to the Original: A Love Letter
This is a love letter to a flawed beauty. The first of many pockatable wonders.
Harley-Davidsons in Sweden
(LONGREAD) Meet some of the Harley riders gathering in the town of Huskvarna, Sweden.
Stockholm Sweetnin’: A Weekend
Drinks that ticklee your senses and food that satisfies your soul.
Rapallo, Italy – Revisited in Color
A continuation of my previous post about travelling to Italy with my family and a Fujifilm X-T3 and a Fujinon 35mm f/2 WR. This time in full technicolor. Kind of.
Flags and Cinnamon Buns
On Swedish National Day, new Swedish citizens are presented with flags as a welcoming gesture. Along with apple juice, cinnamon buns and coffee.