On Swedish National Day, a humble yet heartwarming tradition unfolds as the nation not only commemorates its identity but also warmly welcomes its newest members into the fold.
This year, 1,165 new Swedish citizens will be embraced with open arms in a ceremony that extends far beyond the symbolic presentation of flags.

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It’s a celebration enriched with the essence of Swedish hospitality, featuring apple juice, cinnamon buns, and coffee, alongside a plethora of cultural festivities.
The welcoming ceremony is set against the backdrop of Per Brahe’s restaurant Linden, marking the National Day with not just flags but a vibrant display of music, dance performances, speeches, and much more. Hosted by the Presidium of the Municipal Council, the event promises a cozy mingle and fika, with the School of Culture providing entertainment.

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We are people with the same need to be part of a community that ensures each person’s rights are met.
Tord Sundqvist, the Chairman of the Municipal Council of Jönköping, Sweden.
“Those who have received citizenship have often been here for many years and are now part of our society,” states Tord Sundqvist, the Chairman of the Municipal Council, emphasizing the deep connection and contribution of the new citizens to the Swedish community.

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Following the speeches and entertainment, the group of new Swedish citizens, with flags in hand and cinnamon buns in their stomachs, marched out to join a communal National Day celebration. This event is not just a formality but a testament to Sweden’s commitment to unity and respect for diversity, celebrated in the most Swedish way possible—over modest treats that symbolize a warm welcome into the heart of the Swedish community.